Nanna’s Apple Crumble Scrolls


80g salted butter  
250m full cream milk   
60ml water   
1 tsp vanilla bean paste   
480g white baker’s flour   
14g dried yeast   
55g caster sugar   
½ tsp salt   
2 large eggs at room temperature  


110g brown sugar  
2 tsp ground cinnamon  
80g salted butter, softened to room temperature  

1 packet Nanna’s Apple Crumble 

180g cream cheese  
80g icing sugar, sifted  
70g butter, softened to room temperature  
1 tsp vanilla bean paste  
2 tbsp full cream milk  


Prepare Nanna’s Apple Crumble according to packet instructions then cool completely to room temperature.  

To make the dough for the scrolls, combine the butter and milk in a small saucepan over a low heat.  Stir until the butter has melted, then remove pan from heat and whisk in the water and vanilla. Set aside for 20 mins to cool slightly.  

Fit a stand mixer with a dough hook, then in the bowl combine 3 cups of the flour, the yeast, sugar and salt.  On a low-medium speed, gradually add the cooled milk mixture. Add eggs and mix until just combined before adding the remaining flour.  Mix on low for 10 mins.  

Transfer the dough into and oiled bowl and cover with plastic wrap.  Set aside in a warm place until the dough has risen to about double the size.   

Grease and lightly flour a 22x30cm rectangular baking tray.  

Punch down the dough to let out the air then set aside to rest for 5 mins.   

Sprinkle flour on the bench and roll the dough out into a rectangle about 40cm by 30cm.   

To make the filling, combine the brown sugar and cinnamon.  Spread the softened butter over the rolled dough.  Sprinkle the sugar mixture evenly over the dough then crumble up the cooled apple crumble and sprinkle in an even layer over the top.  Cut the dough into half lengthways, then cut each length into 6 smaller rectangles.  Roll each rectangle into a tight coil then space out in the prepared tray. Cover with plastic wrap and leave somewhere warm until risen to double the size.  

Preheat conventional oven to 180ºC.  Bake the scrolls for 20-25 mins or until lightly golden on top.  Remove from oven and allow to cool for 15 min.  

To make icing, use an electric beater to mix all ingredients until smooth. Spread over the warm rolls and serve. 


Nanna’s Apple Crumble Scrolls